It’s been exactly three years since I birthed my blog — which I remember being so proud of (and still am). But it was time for an upgrade — something new, something legit, something so-very-me. And, while I was at it, why not completely rebrand, launch a new website, makeover the blog, and rename my studio salon — all while wife’ing, mom’ing, and semi-slaying that day gig. Go big or go home, right? {Note: definitely go big on the wine pour during this process.}
Every time I go to look up a new company and find out that they don’t have a website I instantly scoff. “Pssh, honey, you ain’t nobody if you don’t exist online.” Um, pot, meet kettle — it was high time I looked myself in the mirror. I sheepishly sent along my Facebook page when a new client or budding bride asked for a website or gallery. “Oh, um, I keep all of my pictures on my Facebook page…” LAME game. {Not to play the blame game, though, for those of you who are still rocking the ‘Book only. Been there! As in, last week.} It was about {damn} time I made things official.
I am beyond excited to announce the launch of nikkicagle.com — a lifestyle brand about life, fitness, beauty, babies, and everything in between. I’m legit, ya’ll! While I was busy trying to wrap my head around doing a personal brand, hair brand, or all of the above, I went with “C” - all of the above. It’s an all-inclusive brand that represents me {the Nikki behind nikkicagle, in case that wasn’t obvioso}, and everything I’m passionate about. Read it and weep. Take a look around, browse, peruse, sip, smile — come back often. Ya know, love me like a bestie.
If I was beyond excited to announce the official launch of my legit website then that makes me… infinitely excited to make my next big announcement? Just pick the biggest dang excitement word you can think of. Some 10 odd years ago I branched out on my own to do hair out of my kitchen, and on the road {holy cow, has it been 10 years?! Time flies.} While Creations a la Nikki was totes adorbs at the time, it felt like the time had come to re-brand with a name that fully encompasses who I have become over the years — and hopefully, one day, take me down a path to my very own real-deal salon {i.e. not in my living room, and preferably with a shampoo bowl, or two}.

Introducing Silver Linings Salon & Style Bar. Same stylist, same studio salon — but a new grown-up name, and bigger aspirations. For the rumor-mill, no, I’m not going full-time just yet — I am digging the day gig too much for that {and I thoroughly enjoy faithfully paying my mortgage each month…}. But this name makes me dream and push towards my goal of actually going full-time one day. Stay tuned… {for like, ya know, the 5-10 year plan.}
So, there you have it! ALL the announcements. And, with that said — I am now accepting newbie clients {past, present & future}, brides, collaborations {of the hair, beauty, fashion, fitness & baby kind!}, nudges for post ideas, and any silver linings you want to throw my way.
THANK YA’LL for sticking with me and giving my blogs a quick read, my posts a double tap, my scissors some work, and my heart some serious love.

P.S. Huge. MAJOR. Massive shoutout to Tracy Love for brightening my email inbox every damn day by turning my mile-long emails into gorgeous mock-ups that became this beautiful website, brand and logo. If she didn’t bake her own stunning creative confections through her own business, Whipped Cakes, I would totally bake her ass a cake. Thank you for the most beautiful site I ever did see. {For all of your Pinterest-and-drool-worthy wedding inspiration, check out Tracy on Instagram!}