My husband hates — loathes — the mom bun. He says he'll take any style — anything at all — just not the dreaded mom bun. What is the deal with you men and the mom bun?! I've heard several other men complain about this innocent little bun, more than once. But here's the thing, the mom bun represents so much more that you're not noticing.
Dear Men,
In case you didn't know, we rock the mom bun because...
...Tiny hands yank on our long hair and give us hella headaches. They also pull out chunks — actual chunks. And all of this is after they've rocked our hormones and given us natural hair loss, leaving us with baby hairs that mimic pathetic bangs.
...We had 4.7 seconds to get ourselves ready before tending to tiny people and this bun was just about all we could muster.
...If our hair was down right now, it would have no less than two puffs, a school of golden fishes, banana slime, and potentially some boogers hiding up in there.

Big buns = plenty of places to hide things.
...We're about to, or have just finished working out — which, by the way, keeps us sane {and you safe}.
...You insist upon us keeping our long hair, but ain't nobody got time for that. So, you want the hair to stay long, you will make nice with the bun.
...We're running around cooking & cleaning & chasing & cuddling & giving baths & about 40 million other things {all at once, might I add}, so anything more than a bun would be a waste of good energy, time, and product.

...As girls, we've been rocking the ballerina bun for as long as we've had hair — why stop now?
...In case you weren't aware — topknots are like, totally in right now. So, we're really quite trendy.

Mom uniform: Workout clothes, cute sunnies, bun.
And, one last thing — for those of you men who still have hair — did you style it this morning? Because I'm betting you didn't. I'm betting you haven't even touched that tub of product that's been sitting in your bathroom junk drawer for 8 months. And if you can't bother to style all two inches of hair on your head, why do you expect us go beyond the bun? #justsayin
All I'm asking is, before you complain about the bun, think about what it represents. Or, at the very least, appreciate the fact that we are keeping our hair long for the 5 days a month we actually do get to do it {if we're lucky}, and just look forward to those days... while keeping mum on bun-days.
Women Who #RockTheMomBun
